Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Woohoo! Was halfway through a Bosch post when The Matrix:Reloaded came on.
Now we get to the big big fight scene where Agent Smith starts replicating.
Can't concentrate - Be back later!

You too.


Max and Me said...

come back! we miss you!

Prerona said...

lol - enjoy girl!

Anonymous said...

I loooooved the first Matrix. Especially the intruiging story and idea behind it. But the second one to me had very little story line and far too mch CGI, I didnt think it looked convincing. Overall in the two concluding films I felt let down by the unravelling of the story that had started so well.

MattJ said...

I'm with you Rox, the latter two were very disappointing in comparison to the coopl Metropolis/Ghosty in the Shell style of the first.

Leilouta said...

Are you back yet? :)

Olivia said...

yeah, some of the CGI on Reloaded was a really dodgy.

Now, here's a thought. If Agent Smith and Neo encounter each other as code in the Matrix, why do they have to punch and kick so much?

Is this what happens all the time inside our computers when Antivirus does its job?

Olivia said...


(Agent Smith)