Then what to do? As the afternoon was young we decided to check out the Greek Festival and all I will say about the one in DC is it cannot hold a candle to the one in Houston. It's more like a street market than a festival - no printed guidebook with menus and schedules of shows, no dancing or live music. Bah humbug! Good thing we're planning on going to H-town in October!
It was a heavy afternoon so hot and sticky we walked a couple of blocks from the festival to the National Cathedral, where we sat on a bench under the trees to rest, cool down, watch children playing, birds catching worms, and the breeze rustling the leaves. Then at Evensong time, 5pm, we went to the door only to find out from the chatty guide on the steps that the board was wrong and we'd missed it by an hour. So now what?
Jeff has an idea for everything. Dinner in Old Town. Old Town where? Old Town Alexandria. So we drive across the Potomac River from Georgetown into Old Town and go exploring.
We find free tours of an original creation - a Tall Ship, owned by an interesting commune.

(Somebody looks pleased as Punch in these photos, and I'm not referring to me.)
We found ourselves in a quaint old seafood establishment that had a big walk-in fireplace in the bar. King Street in Old Town is full of 18th century terraces. There's also a Queen Street, Duke Street, Princess Street. I didn't see a Prince Street. NYC seems to have stolen that one. Next time I will take more pictures. We both forgot our cameras though I had my trusty phonecam.
Anyway, I had calamari with the BEST, I mean, BEST, accompaniment EVER. It was cilantro and sweet chili mayo, emphasis on the cilantro here, and in my opinion you can never have too much cilantro. That's coriander leaf for my British readers.
I also had She Crab soup. Not sure about why it's called that, but it's creamy and spicy and full of sherry so there's a warm bite of alcohol followed by a warm flush of spice which builds as you eat.
On Sunday J's mother was in town for a conference over the weekend, which she left early so that he could drive her up to Baltimore to see his nephew, who had been hospitalized earlier in the week but is now fine. Baltimore is roughly a 45 min drive from here. They knew he was on a schedule so he was in and out the door, and back in DC to pick me up and take me to Andrews Air Force Base for the Joint Services Open House and Air Show.
Sorry Flighty. We got stuck in traffic owing to an accident, and by the time we were out the parking at the stadium was closed and the shuttle buses were finished and the air show was closed to further entry.
In driving around looking for a vantage point to park amongst the hundreds of other people lining the empty spaces with their cars and tailgate parties outside the event, we found ourselves turning into the AFB and down past the visitor's center to a checkpoint because we were unable to turn around. So the guard took his driver's license and he drove round a U-turn to the exit, and his DL was returned by another guard) both carrying machine guns, and we were out.
By then I was starving with a cherry on top and fixing to faint, so he took me to Washingtonian Waterfront in Gaithersburg, where he fed me an excellent Mexican dinner of chile relleno (stuffed poblano chili - the spiciest I've had yet), and when I perked back up again we went to Target. He bought an electric kettle so he can properly make tea, bought he can...make more tea...even though he already has tea. And he bought me a vase for the next time he surprises me with flowers.
Then we went to his place, seasoned the kettle, made tea and more tea, two kinds, ate cookies and watched My Best Friend's Wedding until 11pm when I panicked since it was past his bedtime and we had work the next day.
I have not caught up with my sleep since then because my schedule is now pushed back too far...grrrr.
Teaser: for the long Memorial Day weekend he has booked us a quaint holiday in Cape May, New Jersey.