On the Sunday morning Vanessa and I went downtown to meet up with Vera. Oh, the miles we walked! And these are the things we saw:

Top: The biggest city hall I have ever seen.
Bottom: A lovely art deco building and detail

Clockwise from left: We found ourselves at the Irish Hunger Memorial by the World Financial Center and waterfront. You enter, walk through some ruins of stone cottages, up a winding slope to the top. It is like an elevated garden and you look out across the water to the Statue of Liberty in the far distance.
Me, Vera, Vanessa at the Memorial where a kind police officer offered to take our picture.
At the WFC Marina.
A nice sky and sculpture shot on the waterfront.

Ground Zero construction site.
A zoom on the building in the far right of the construction photo.
Graves from the 1730s at Trinity Church Wall Street.
A lovely lobby in another lovely building.

Walk for Diabetes crosses the Brooklyn Bridge.
The Shrine (and former home) of St Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821), the first American to be canonised
A tall upshot.

Seen from the Staten Island Ferry:
18th Century Governor's Island
Vanessa's profile
Harbor Light, about a mile away, on high zoom
Me (and an Orthodox Jewish lady)

On the Staten Island Ferry return trip:
Manhattan in the afternoon
Sitting in the ante room of the ladies restroom, snapping pics of each other
Sunset from the deck
Vanessa the little poser

Sunset over a very tiny Statue of Liberty
The bridge of the JFK
Sunset over Ellis Island in the distance
Four little ducks, all in a row

Castle Clinton by the Staten Island Ferry waterfront
The two Vees kissing a bronze stockbroker near Wall Street
Deck chair in a tree, SoHo
After dinner in Chinatown: Vera chilling on an abandoned vinyl couch beside the tree, SoHo
Oh my my my my my my...baby you are looking beautiful these days!! xoxoxo
ah, that was such a nice weekend! Lovely pictures!
Miss you
Wonderful photos! I didn't get a chance to visit ground zero. I wished we had more time. Next time we go back, I hope to spend a week or more. Four days just didn't cut it!
Fab fotos, missy! I especially like the perspective of Lady Liberty and the sunset.
Christopher - Thank you darling! Good to see you're back (again). I can't find you on MySpace by the way.
Vanessa - Oh, I wish we could have more weekends like that, sis!
Beenzzz - by the time you go back, there may be buildings completed. It's a huge project, and they are working so hard.
I had 10 days, which as you know is always enough to visit some places twice.
Nikki - thanks! I thought that pic would be a bit hard to see, but glad you like it. I wish I could share them larger, but there are so many and I like them all, so it was really hard to cut down the number to just a handful...
My, but that city has loads of personality, doesn't it, m'lady? Not just a dull metropolitan area, huh?
Another interesting corner of the world languishing on my "must see" list...
Oh you're doing so well blogging about NYC. I need to get cracking on the Tokyo and Kyoto posts too! Fantastic photos - wish I could return there too.
Minstrel - NYC is faaaar from a dull metropolitan area....oh my...It has personality galore...it's brimful and overflowing! You have to go.
Planethalder - and here I was thinking you'd finish your blogs before me. Well, you would have were you not also house hunting!
Hello Livvie...if you're looking for me on myspace, my page there is: myspace.com/awnryfaggot
looking forward to adding you to the mix.
Hope your days for you are going well, you and Naif always seem to have something entertaining going on!
I've just published a recent expose on dirty telephone calls...I was a participant, though unwillingly...it was one of the most dysfunctional relationships I have ever had. Years of therepy to recover...people can be so selfish! xoxoxo
You girls look like you're having a blast! I want to go to New York too! That city is something else, isn't it? They call Toronto "New York's little sister", but that's a stretch, New York is unique and no other city can be quite like it.
Christopher - good heavens. This autumn my life seems to have gotten even more boring than ever!
Which is probably why I enjoy the fun stuff so much more...
I've found you on MySpace and visited your latest post.
Lotus - that city is so full of life, so vibrant, in everything it does. It overflows with it. I love it there.
Only last week I heard someone say that Toronto was just like New York, except run by the Swiss. Made me chuckle! What do you think?
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