For the same price near London, in Hampstead Garden Suburb, you get this 2 bed, 1 bath end-of-terrace cottage. HGS is full of lovely Arts & Crafts cottages in stucco and brick along villagey walks, or purpose-built mock-Tudor or Lutyens-style flats facing peaceful courtyards. It was part of the early 20th century attempt at cosy communities. We used to live in a similar garden suburb, in a late A&C house (1918). If I could have one in HGS........

I'm feeling bad for this house, we all love the cute hse. This house isn't bad, the windows are nice. They remind me of the old light house keepers houses in NFLD.
Thanks for extending your compassion to this one. I'm more likely to end up in one of these than the other :-P
oh poo
Hey! I could do much worse in THIS city.
how true, In Dublin I lived in a small cramped rm for 6 months, but what the hey, it was an internship and I had no rent to pay.
Now off to watch CSI
That pic is of a Vidal Sassoon cut from the mid 80s! Where did you get it???
Also, check out Louise Brooks, from the 1920s, the originator of the sharp bob - she was one cool dudette for 80 years ago!!!
ooh, let me see if I can find the site for you and this is from the 60's.
This one is not as cute, but I guess, it's doable.
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