Minou minou minou....oh my Muse where are you...?
Hm. No answer.
If you've come looking for a new post, I am not sure if you will find one. But I might surprise you, specially if I keep up this stream of consciousness lark...
Last year I bought The Bloomsbury Book of the Mind by Stephen Wilson. I devoured it, but have recently picked it up again and might as well be reading it for the first time!
It's the sort of book that will take about 3 reads until any of it is absorbed into my repertoire.
I kid you not, Delightful must be the first self-generating encyclopedia I have ever known...I am quite likely to be contradicted on this, as some people can be shockingly modest - but I have met some high IQs in my time and I know what I am talking about.
It's the sort of book that will take about 3 reads until any of it is absorbed into my repertoire.
I kid you not, Delightful must be the first self-generating encyclopedia I have ever known...I am quite likely to be contradicted on this, as some people can be shockingly modest - but I have met some high IQs in my time and I know what I am talking about.
looks pretty interesting..
Blue - the sky or the book? ;)
love the pic. Is that London?
Vanessa - Yes. Spotted it from my window one evening in July.
That's about as colourful as it gets in the London sky.
Skyped with JP last night, told him you were obsessed with sunsets and that you should become a photographer of sunsets.
Can you make a career out of that?
mm... then u oli ;) ;) :P
actually i meant the book
Hi Helmi
Thanks so much for dropping by to comment, extenuating circumstances allowing! I thought your name sounded familiar - I've seen it on Motime.
When I wrote "minou" I had in mind the call used by Manon, the little French goatherd in Manon des Sources (sequel to Jean de Florette) - have you ever watched them?
I have not read much Kipling, apart from "Just So Stories" as a child. After a certain age I grew into other 19th C authors. Did he write Riki Tiki Tavi? I have read that...
Welcome back anytime.
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