Monday, September 12, 2005

Mmmmm Monday

I am running out of patience with the alliterations. So, Mmmm and Monday both start with M, right?

The world is an interesting place, by the way.

Sunday was truly lazy, and I needed a rest from Saturday. We looked at pictures, caught up with emails, I showed V my degree and my thesis which she is now reading. Then in the afternoon we went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She thought it was cute. I still like Willy Wonka. He's just...weird...

Anyway, V and I wanted to go to Eltham Palace today, but we'd gone into town pretty late to find tickets for Guys and Dolls. We succeeded somewhat. Nothing was available but standing on the back row for £15 each. We went for it, no other opportunity.

We got on the bus to the V&A and wandered around the costume department (admiring the neatness of Queen Maud's figure), and the Chinese and Japanese galleries. My favourites are inro, netsuke and lacquer boxes. Drooool. If I had to be a collector of Asian objets d'art, these would be my specialty.

Sun young, my Korean ex-housemate always told me that in a former life I must have been Japanese. I don't know, I could have been Chinese too.
On the other hand, my inner European is Italian (I took the test!)

Then we walked into Soho and Ton yan gai (oh come on people, you know this by now...) where we ate at a little hole in the wall place for a small dinner. I was a little apprehensive as there were not enough actual Chinese people there. V had a nice shredded duck and vermicelli. I had spicy squid and rice. I need the spice.

Chili chocolate is something I ought to try right about now. I never get the chocolate buzz that most women experience. My endorphins come from hot stuff!


I have ankle pain from the walking in St Albans, despite my comfortable shoes. Maybe I ought to try learning the Alexander Technique. It's all about alignment and what part of the body leads each movement.

I just walk with the pain, no slowing down, but when we left the performance after all that standing - and unconsciously I had been standing on tiptoes a lot - I wanted to hobble :(


I already blogged about the 3rd row viewing of Guys and Dolls, but there are other aspects to the standing experience of it. V and I got to jiggle and jive in the dark at the back! It was fun. But the attendants were really anal about us sitting on the floor during the intermission. None of the other 16 people attempted it.

The important thing was that Vanessa saw it and enjoyed herself.
Songs that stick with me:
I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck...
Luck be a lady tonight
Sit down, you're rockin' the boat...

Many of you will probably recognise the last two songs. Reminds me, I need to post a couple of verses that have been languishing in my blog queue for the past couple of weeks.

Goodnight all.

Cobbler's Shop

Little pair of shoes
Specially made
Soft and gentle
As yet unworn
Unchosen up on the shelf
No one willing to break them in

J'ai besoin d'un mouchoir

I need a handkerchief
A little one nicely edged
Not big enough to contain
The promised city of Florence
But that's OK
I'm not getting it after all



michelle said...

I donèt know if I could do that, stand for such a long time.

Anonymous said...

it really wasn't so bad. Since the performance was really good, time went by pretty quickly. wouldn't want to stand for a boring show.

Anonymous said...

Been busy, it looks. I wish I could be dashing around all these places with you two. It's great that you both are getting to visit and sightsee. Even getting yelled at from cars! And Olivia used the word dude - Ha!

Vanessa - I heard all about the Ireland trip too. I even saw a few pics on Stacy's computer. It looked fun, but I still think you are a brave girl to go travelling with Stacy and Cassie. It sounds like the trip turned out pretty much as I expected.

michelle said...

I agree V. were you wearing heels? I dont think I could do it in heels....flats maybe

Anonymous said...

no, we were not. Actually, Olivia came up with the brilliant idea of taking our shoes off which made it much easier.

Anonymous said...

'The world is an interesting place, by the way.'

So true !

I may just adopt this approach of thinking when faced with some absurdity! It may just gain me back my sanity... then again.