Monday, October 31, 2005

Oh look it's November

Remember when I was complaining about the bad vibes in October, and that I knew of 9 breakups and I didn't want to hear about a 10th?
(Why did I only notice this time? It's like when you buy a new car and you start seeing the same model everywhere.) The 10th case is a university friend of mine and her (much younger) husband.

And I am TIRED of it. Please God let there be no number 11....


Changing the topic - Blue tagged me ages ago. I can't do the lists of Sevens, not for a while anyway, but here is an interesting one:


Follow the instructions
1. Delve into your blog archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. find the 5th sentence
4. post the text of the sentence in your blog along with instructions:
Ponder it for meaning, subtexts or hidden agendas.
5. tag 5 people.

This was tricky. My 23rd post was a photograph, so then I went for the post on the 23rd day which was rather rubbish considering recent relationship disasters:

I think The Fig is gone (mentioned a couple of times despite my policy of silence).

I swear, that's not all that happens around here. Anyone remember the Fig? Rebecca might - we were all on St Katharine's Dock on the same day and didn't know it. The nickname, the first on my new blog, was an acronym for his nationalities.

To think, I did the Tag to cheer us up a bit...So in another attempt, if I count only the text posts, skipping the photos, this is it:
And I also rather enjoyed his Jungian discussions of the forest as the necessary uncertainty in childhood stories and fairytales.

We even have a subtext here. I was writing about a book I'd just finished called The Child That Books Built by Francis Spufford. It's a prosy memoire of a scholar's love affair with books from childhood to the present day. In one early chapter he plunges into a psychoanalytical discussion of the forest as the dark place which taps into our fear of the unknown.

Hm, that was coincidental. Just realised it's Hallowe'en. I don't DO Hallowe'en.


Twenty-Three for my 20Six

Canoodles and pasta :)

That's what was on the menu one evening...Delightful came for dinner.

Hm. How about if I count the 23rd day again?

Yes I am British, but I lived in America for long enough that when I get frustrated I have the right to disown you lot for a few minutes.

Slightly funnier! *sigh of relief*

Can't be bothered to rescue this weird post, I'll just let it flounder...Ciao!


Anonymous said...

I remember the Fig, yeah I remember that we were all on ST. Catherine's Dock within a few hours of each other.
And what's weird is that that was on some holiday, maybe just here, but Giuseppe popped into the office for a few hours anyway, and took a half day, and today is a holiday in Italy and so he's not doing a full day today either... just when we talk about the last instance...

spoooky. Happy halloween!

Anonymous said...

And I don't Do Halloween either - I DO Diwali today :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween!!!! We got rained out. It started pouring from 4:30pm---good old Houston style---I could barely see the road---and slowed down late in the evening. Today we are expecting clear skies.

FIG---I remember him!!! Seemed ages ago!!!

10th break up? from UST? Do I know this person?


michelle said...

ok, that was interesting...Maybe I should try that tooo..

Olivia said...

Rebecca - yes, you and Giu had lunch, and then Fig and I had dinner and a moonlight stroll. It was a mild evening for the time of year.

Vanessa - today in London it's mostly sunny and 59F.
Last time I saw Fig was back in February. [Some people are cowards and end it with silence. Very few others are civilised enough to do it the right way.]

Yes you do know who it is, I will tell you later.

Jia Li - knock yourself out.

Olivia said...

Helmi - odd how Hallowe'en is a celebration of darkness, and Diwali is a celebration of light triumphing over darkness.

Lasto-adri *Blue* said...

hay Olivia.......
you did the tag fully :A yaya for you: .. and you know what, you don't have to do the seven's if you don't wish to.. :)
its as you said just to cheer you up ..

michelle said...

Actually Liv;

Halloween or all Hallo's eve, the day before all saints day. People would dress their childern to scare the bad spirts away from them. That were the pumpkin face came in also, they would carve a scary face to scare the spirts away from there home.

Olivia said...

It's still celebrating the power of evil. The kids who go trick or treating are representing the evil spirits/restless souls who would roam on that night, looking for food. You protected your home by giving out treats - if you didn't, they would trick you.
And like every ostensibly Christian holiday on the calendar, it has origins in paganism. Hallowe'en is adapted from the ancient Celtic Druid festival of Samhain (pronounced sawain).